Section 2

Technopolis at A Glance

We have prepared a two-part content on Technopolis and TTO for you to be informed quickly about Ankara University Technopolis. We hope you enjoy reading about us.

Ankara University Technology Transfer Office

Ankara TTO was established in June 2013 and has been supported by the TUBITAK 1513 program with a budget of approximately TL 1 million per year since 2015.  Ankara TTO serves as a bridge for our university faculty members to make joint projects with industrialists and continues to work within the scope of five modules that it is responsible for.

Review Modules

Modul 1

Target-oriented training and organizations are organized within the Entrepreneurship and Innovation ecosystem of Ankara University and in our region to raise awareness in the fields of national/international funding sources, university-industry cooperation, intellectual and industrial property rights and entrepreneurship. More than 1000 academicians, students and entrepreneurs benefit from these trainings every year.Ankara TTO also carries out three international projects that will make a significant contribution to our country’s economy.

Destek Programlarından Yararlanmaya Yönelik Hizmetleri

Modül 2

Ankara Üniversitesi akademisyenleri ve teknokent firmaları için ulusal ve uluslararası fon kaynaklarının tespiti, başvuru, sözleşme ve proje yürütme süreci ile ilgili destek verilmektedir.

Proje Geliştirme/Yönetim Hizmetleri (Üniversite Sanayi İşbirliği Faaliyetleri)

Modül 3

Ankara Üniversitesi akademisyenlerinin araştırma çıktılarının sanayiye uyarlanarak ekonomik ve sosyal katma değere dönüşmesi için arayüz görevi üstlenmekte, bağlantı kurulması, sözleşme hazırlıkları, FSMH paylaşımının yapılması ve proje süreçlerinin yönetimi konusunda destek verilmektedir.

Fikri Sınai Hakların Yönetimi ve Lisanslama Hizmetleri

Modül 4

Ankara Üniversitesi akademisyenleri, öğrencileri ve teknokentte faaliyet gösteren girişimcilere patent/faydalı model/tasarım tescil/marka tescil vb. stratejilerin geliştirilmesi, başvuru ve tescil süreçlerinde destek verilmektedir. Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliği projeleri kapsamında Şubat 2020 itibariyle üniversitemizin 7 aktif lisans anlaşması bulunmaktadır. Şirketleriniz bünyesinde Ankara Üniversitesi akademik çıktılarını değerlendirmek üzere üniversitemizin patent portföyünü aşağıdaki linkten inceleyip ilgili patentler ve diğer olanaklar için bizlerle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

Şirketleşme ve Girişimcilik Hizmetleri

Modül 5

Girişimcilik faaliyetleri kapsamında Ankara Üniversitesi akademisyen ve öğrencileri ile erken aşama girişimcilere Şirketleşme ve Girişimcilik Hizmetleri verilmektedir. Girişimcilerin ihtiyaçlarına yönelik eğitim, hızlandırıcı, mentörlük faaliyetleri yürütülmektedir. Aynı zamanda  üniversitemizin güçlü olduğu alanlarla paralel olarak “Sürdürülebilir Tarım ve Beslenme” ile “Sağlık ve İyi Yaşam” alanlarında TÜBİTAK BİGG kapsamında Uygulayıcı Kuruluş olarak ankaBİGG programını yürütmektedir.

Ankara TTO also carries out three international projects that will make a significant contribution to our country’s economy.


AgriGenomik Center Infrastructure

The AgriGenomik Center, which has been deemed eligible for support within the scope of the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) program, aims to provide consultancy support to SMEs in order to provide R&D competence, to create R&D laboratory and thematic areas for these laboratories to produce new ideas and technologies. In particular, it provides services as a platform for concept verification stage tests and provides accredited test and analysis services for certification. A special incubation program for these sectors will be designed and implemented in Ankara University Food-Agriculture-Livestock Supplementary Area together with the Center, which will be an infrastructure preferred by advanced entrepreneurs for genome research for the Agriculture-Food-Livestock sectors to be carried out. The Center, where tender processes and infrastructure installations continue, is aimed to be operational at the end of 2020


AnkaTherHub Cancer Research Center Infrastructure

Ankara University Institute of Cancer Research, SEIS (Turkey Health Industry Employers’ Association) and with collaboration of Ankara TTO subsidiaries, the 2-scope Competitor for Industries Program “Ankara Innovative Cancer Theranostics Development Center (ankatherahub)” project application has received preliminary approval from the T.R Ministry of Industry and Technology. Project documents for the project are being prepared for the EU Delegation to Turkey and will be an important victory for our country in the field of cancer diagnosis and treatment products.


University-Industry Cooperation and Increasing Entrepreneurship Potential in Agricultural Biology

Our project “Agricultural Biotechnology Awareness and Promoting Entrepreneurship in the Annual Work for University-Industry Collaboration in Turkey” is supported under the US Embassy’s Grant Program. In the project where Ankara University is the director, Michigan University, Ataturk University, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Çukurova University and Siirt University are the partners. Therefore, this compilation of knowledge will be spread not only in Ankara University but also to other regions of our country. In this context, as pioneers in Turkey along with the support of the US Agricultural Biotechnology’s leading universities, cooperation to learn about the transfer process industry knowledge has been established.

For More İnformation

To learn more about Ankara TTO, you can follow updates on our website, social media accounts and our newsletters.

Ankara TTO

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